Aeries Academy
Aeries Academy is an opportunity to improve your skills in Aeries. Self-paced online learning and certification courses to prepare for job roles that use Aeries SIS.
Aeries Academy general courses offer focused, self-paced courses that have been created for school site (administrators, teachers and office staff), and district office roles that use Aeries for a wide variety of job tasks.
Courses are strands of Modules that have been combined based on common school or district job roles. Academy participants who enroll in a course will be certified as an Expert, Proficient or Novice Aeries user on the course content.
These courses are a great training tool for users new to Aeries, for those that are changing job roles that will require new Aeries skill sets, or to certify user skill level in certain areas of Aeries functionality.
- Learn by using Aeries Sandbox to practice (with user account)
- Elementary School Management Certification
- Secondary School Management Certification
- Secondary Counseling Applications Certification
- Attendance Certification
- Scheduling Certification
- Discipline Certification
- Data Management Certification
- Student Health and Wellness Certification
- Fundamental of Aeries for Teachers Course
- Good Morning Aeries Webinar Series