Santa Maria-Bonita School District
Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan
View the SMBSD Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan. This version was approved by the SMBSD Board of Education on September 23, 2020. Any subsequent revisions or updates will be posted on this page.
CA Senate Bill 98, Chapter 24, approved by Governor Newsom on 6/29/20, made several key changes to accountability requirements for the 2020-2021 school year. These include the establishment of a new requirement - The Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan, that must be adopted by the Board of Education by 9/30/20. The intent of the Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan is to memorialize the ongoing planning process for the 2020-2021 school year.
Santa Maria-Bonita School District (SMBSD) is seeking input from students, staff, families, and community members on the district’s initial draft of the Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan. The purpose of this plan is to describe how the district has and will continue to address the impact of COVID-19 and maintain a substantially significant continuity of student learning in the coming year. The final document will include the following key elements of the district’s plan:
- Providing distance learning and, when public health conditions allow, in-person instruction
- Measuring student progress and participation, as well as addressing learning loss
- Providing supports for English Learners, Foster Youth, Students Experiencing Homelessness, Students with Unique Needs, Students from Migratory Families, and Low-Income Students
- Ensuring access to technological devices and connectivity
- Providing resources and supports that address student and staff mental health and social emotional well-being
- Engaging students and families, including outreach to reengage students who are absent, unengaged, or at risk of learning loss
- Providing school meals for students during all phases of instruction
- Increasing/improving services for English Learners, Foster Youth, Students Experiencing Homelessness, Students from Migratory Families, and Low-Income Students
Essentially, the district would like to know what children need from their school and the district to be successful academically and emotionally this school year, and what do families, staff members and community members need from SMBSD to be able to help students be successful.
SMBSD’s Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan will be closely aligned to the 2020-2021 SMBSD Re Entry Plan and the 2019-2020 COVID-19 Written Report. Plan components are fluid and adapt to changing public health conditions. As public health guidance is updated and released, plan elements will be implemented accordingly.
SMBSD values the input of its stakeholders and will use input as part of a larger body of data to guide revisions. The draft of the Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan will be presented in a public hearing at the September 9th SMBSD Board of Education meeting and the final draft will be presented for adoption by the Board at the September 23rd 2020 Board meeting.
Additional Resources
CDE Stronger Together: Professional Relationships and Learning
SMBSD Distance Learning Website
California Department of Education (CDE) and other state resources for the Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan can be found below:
Main webpage for Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan which includes:
Plan Template
Plan Instructions
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)