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Citizens' Oversight Committee

Apply to Serve on the Citizen's Oversight Committee
The Santa Maria-Bonita School District Board of Education invites community members to apply to serve on the District’s Citizens’ Oversight Committee. This committee is being established following the passage of Measure K-2024, a school bond measure approved by more than 55% of voters in the November 5, 2024 election.

What is the Citizens' Oversight Committee?
The California Education Code requires the establishment of a Citizens' Oversight Committee when a school bond measure is passed by a supermajority (55%). This committee is crucial for ensuring the responsible and transparent use of taxpayer funds.

Key Responsibilities of the Citizens’ Oversight Committee:

  • Oversee Bond Measure Funds: Ensure that bond funds are exclusively used for the projects outlined in Measure K-2024. This includes verifying that funds are not used for operating expenses such as teacher salaries.
  • Review Financial Audits: Receive and review annual financial and performance audits to ensure the proper expenditure of bond funds.
  • Inform the Public: Provide the community with regular updates and information regarding the expenditure of bond funds.

The Citizens’ Oversight Committee is a vital resource for the SMBSD, tasked with the important work of making sure Measure K-2024 bond funds are used as intended, and to the best benefit of our schools and students.

Committee Meetings:
The Committee is required to meet at least annually, but will likely meet on a quarterly basis.

How to Apply:

  1. Letter of Application: Submit a brief letter outlining your qualifications, educational background, community service, professional skills and experience, or any relevant expertise that makes you a suitable candidate for the Committee. Briefly explain your reasons for wanting to serve.
  2. Application Form: Complete the application form (English) / (Español)

Application Deadline:
Please submit both the letter of application and completed application form by February 15, 2025.

For More Information:
Please direct any questions to: Matthew E. Beecher - Deputy Superintendent for Business Services at (805) 361-8130

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Citizens' Oversight Committee Documents